Look Good

Feel Good


We who are fortunate enough to feel good about ourselves, because of fun things like fashion, who have managed, through much hard work and resolve, to step up a rung or two from merely surviving, will love Stella Dot. Have fun looking around.


My Personal Take

If we are going to spend money on clothing, jewelry, and accessories, to a greater or lesser degree, shouldn’t those things make us feel good too, feel good about ourselves, feel confident in our look? I trust Stella Dot, for one, to help me in these lifestyle pursuits.

Step forward. What if you could help your friends look good and feel good too? And what if you could do all that in a friendly, party atmosphere? Or on your own laptop? Well, we can do that together. Learn how below

I love this company for all of that. I love to shop, but more than that, I love to help people with personal style. . . and shopping, I like to go to shopping parties– Did I say: I love shopping?



Dress It Up        Dress It Down

My granddaughters and I shop together. They think I am a “cool” shopper. I love styling myself and other people. Dress-up jeans is one of my favorite looks. You sure don’t have to be dull just because you may have graduated to Grandmotherhood.

Guess what, those items, right there in the photo, are in my closet– And furthermore, some of them I got for free. Keep reading to find out more.

Put It All Together

Bags, Stripes, and More (Amour)

I own these products too. Bags of awesomeness.

Stella Dot just keeps on stunning me with her awesome products and the professionalism of her company, the epitome of excellence, all while providing value for your money– and with the ability to earn it (or cash) for free. Please see my post on working from home, duplication, network marketing, affiliate marketing, and financial health and  freedom.

T-Shirts to Stylish Jackets

Well, that outfit is certainly on my to buy list.

Popular Looks and a Few Sales Too

Push any of these links and have fun looking.

This deal is for March ’19. Get it now!

Try this in a layered look.

Lariat style necklace, one of my favorites.

Stella Dot is a woman-owned company with incredible management and success. Go there and look at a few videos.

Create Your Own Style and Then

Help Your Friends to Create Theirs

Be Your Own Hostess– Here Is A Step-by-Step Plan



It’s Completely up to You